
About me
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++About Brad++
#NeWs AnD GoSsiP#
**A Brad tribute**
>Astrology, starsign,ect.<

++About Me++

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Avatars27 : Gifs, Cliparts und Avatars kostenlos, GRATIS! 1193Welcome to about me! Here you will find out who i am.



Full name: Casper Donald Kirk.


Nick names: Casper the friendly ghost (it's a little taunting name by a friend of mine), Caspy, CD, Nirvana freak (I loooove



Sex: male


Age: 14


Birthday: December 3rd 1990.


Where I live: New York.


Chinese horoscope: Horse.


Hair color: Dark brown.


Eyes color: Pursing light blue.


Family: Step mother (jewelry salesmen for 'Foli Foli'), father (web master), step sister (a college student in San Diego).


Fave color: Black and red.


Favorite food: lamb, frogs legs, hot dogs, and hush puppies.


Favorite music: Punk/rock, blues, Nirvana, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Evanescence.


Favorite musical instrument: Guitar.


Two most favorite movies: The shinning, and Gladiator.


Fave actors and actresses: Brad Renfro, Jack Nicholson, Russell Crowe, Bryan Dick, Spencer Treat Clark, Linda Hamilton, Bridget Fonda, Marie Stewart, Doris Day.


Favorite book: The tale tale heart.


Hobbies: A band (guitar player and lead singer), Hockey, Family, painting, and photography.


Passions: Brad Renfro, Kurt Cobain, my guitar, and my family.


A little more about myself:

I am a freshman in high school. I love my family and friends. I also love Brad and music.


I originally came from Ireland. I immigrated to the USA when I was 12-years-old. My mom died in car cash. I was there and it killed me I was told she had died.


Self description:


I have very dark brown hair that is past my ears. My eyes are mostly hidden by my bangs, but they show through as bright as day.  I have large teeth and a bit of freckles. I weigh 132 pounds and I am 5'6.


Well that’s pretty much all about me!


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